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About Us

Who we are

Sewar started in 2019, representing our experience of 10 years in the healthy and sports nutrition industry.
Our passion for finding solutions for people to improve their lives through a better body and better health was the source of our willingness and motivation to do our best in bringing the world’s leading brands to the hands of consumers through the most appropriate channels while making sure to reach all consumers over Saudi Arabia.

What we do

We connect the world’s leading brands in health and sports nutrition to their consumers through the best channels, such as sport nutrition stores, pharmacies, supermarkets, and gyms. We are working closely with these channels to guarantee the best supply and marketing supports in every single selling point.

Why choose us

Since the beginning, our philosophy is the reason for our remarkable success stories with many brands. As for now, we are working with more than 8 of the world’s leading brands in Saudi’s market.
Our philosophy is based on four aspects:

  • Reaching the maximum number of selling points,
  • Working with all selling points closely and participate in their marketing plans,
  • Supporting brand marketing,
  • Supplying products using the most advanced technology

As a result, this philosophy brings more sales for all parties and greater brand awareness.

“Our success is not about the number of clients we have,
it is about the role we play in their success.”

Field of work


Sports supplements are effective for a wide range of people: athletes, fitness enthusiasts, professionals, beginners, health-conscious individuals… The benefits of using sports supplements do not stop at pushing the boundaries of elite performance, they can be used to kick start any health and fitness journey and turn any plan into action.
Sports and nutrition are strongly related, and since being fit has been a trend for the past few years, gyms become crowded with people who want to change their bodies and lifestyles. And the Saudi market is no stranger to this trend, since most of the young Saudi generation hits the gym regularly, now including women, which makes it a great source of sports supplement consumption. Understanding the consumers’ behaviors, wills and needs is what we excel on and it is what we use when working with our partners to ensure a more professional way of fulfilling the consumers’ demand while keeping updated on market trends.


Nowadays, people pay more and more attention to what they eat, even in growing countries like GCC. Amount of sugar, amount of fat, absence of gluten… ingredients are a new essential criteria for buying food or snacks, especially since science has linked so many diseases to poor alimentation habits and bad eating behaviors. Sewar is committed to helping to change these habits and to providing the best products in terms of nutritional value and quality and to leading all generations to become together a healthier society.


Dietary supplements are an affordable and effective way to ensure that you and your loved ones are getting the daily recommended intake of essential vitamins, minerals, and other important nutrients necessary for optimal health. Nutrition and sport are a great way to support your health system, but neglecting your supplements needs can waste all your efforts: they are the foundation of our physical health! No matter your age, gender, or daily physical activity, supplements are necessary to take care of your body’s essential needs.

Our partners


Selling points:

  • Nutrition shops:
    De Protein, Alroosy Sport Center, Muscles World, Supplement Stores, Supplements castle, Pro Nutrition, Perfect Body, Best Supplements Stores, Iron Market, Feeding Bag, Ibrahim Alkhdir Supplements, Daily Muscle, Body health, Protein Station, Oxygen, Be Fit, Waqt Eldiet, Pro Supps, Fuel Up, Lion Protein, Ideal Nutrition, The Protein, Doctor Protein, Wolf Nutrition, Wawan, Extreme Nutrition, Golden Supp, Supercalories, Body Building Stores, Optimum Supplement, Easy Champion, Prime Muscles, Supplements, Food Supps, Nutrition Shop, Biotic, Proteink, Supp Experts, Banana eShop, Supps Planet, Rakatt, World of Supplements, Diet Time, Protein House, Fitness Home…
  • Pharmacies:
    Al Nahdi
  • Supermarkets:
    Al Tamimi…